Gluten is the dietary protein rich in cereals such as wheat, barley, and Rey. Consumption of gluten-containing food by susceptible individuals results in enteropathy with an impairment of the intestinal mucosal surface-destroying villi, eventually causing indigestion and nutritional malabsorption. It is one of the most frequent genetic disorders affecting humans, with the highest prevalence in European countries. The complete cure for the coeliac diseases is impossible; however, complete avoidance of a gluten diet or strict adherence to a gluten-free diet can aid the recovery of mucosal damage and the reversibility of disease progression. Besides, chronic conditions like ulcerative colitis, type-1 diabetes, thyroid disorder, epilepsy, Downs syndrome, and Turner syndrome can primarily increase the risk of developing celiac disease.
Celiac Disease Symptoms and Signs:
Clinical presentation of coeliac disease is always multifaceted with slow intestinal damage progression and remains undiagnosed for years. On ingestion of gluten, celiac patients develop gut-related symptoms like abdominal pain, bloating and flatulence, indigestion, constipation, and vomiting. The patient also experiences general symptoms like anemia, fatigue, anorexia, peripheral neuropathy, ataxia, and peripheral oedema. If left untreated, it can result in severe anemia, infertility in women, osteoporosis, lactose intolerance, small bowel cancer, and severe malnutrition.In general celiac disease cause difficulty in normal eating habits of an individual. It requires changing the eating pattern and consuming special food for celiac disease.
Clinical Diagnosis of Coeliac Disease:
The suspected persons are subjected to serological testing to detect IgA/IgG anti-tissue transglutaminase antibodies (tTGA) by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). They are considered the most sensitive and accurate test for diagnosing celiac disease. Besides, in tTGA-positive cases, IgA anti-endomysial antibodies (IgA EMA) tests are also employed as confirmatory tests to achieve diagnostic specificity.
Moreover, histopathological examination of endoscopy-mediated biopsy samples of small intestinal mucosa helps in the integrated assessment of the disease severity. Nevertheless, early diagnosis of the disease can reduce the risk and complications.The need to develop a new non-invasive diagnostic tool for the early diagnosis of the disease has led to a hike in research opportunities in the global diagnostic test market.
An Insight into Celiac Disease Biospecimens We Offer:
Central BioHub is dedicated to offer highly annotated human biosamples for research collected from individuals suspected and clinically confirmed with celiac disease. Bringing transparency to our trade, Central BioHub brings you ethically obtained human biospecimens for research from consented donors of variable age groups, gender, ethnicity, and body mass index (BMI).
Every celiac disease patient samples such as serum samples and human plasma were precisely measured for gluten-triggered antibodies such as anti-deamidated gliadin IgA/ IgG, IgA anti-endomysial, and anti-tissue transglutaminase IgA/IgG. Celiac disease samples are available as small volume samples and preserved in perfect condition, and stored at <-18° Celsius. Central BioHub handles all human biospecimen under-declaration of Helsinki and the declaration of Taipei. Besides, we offer human biosamples isolated from celiac patients with or without comorbidities and undergoing celiac disease treatment with Humira (Adalimumab), presenting therapeutic concentration in blood.
Connecting global researchers and scientists to the worldwide biospecimen suppliers, Central BioHub , eases the process of human biospecimen procurement. Our innovative online platform enables the selection of the suitable high-quality research samples that you are searching for. Central BioHub promises you the fast, reliable, worldwide delivery of intended coeliac disease specimens by ensuring complete assistance to your procurement process. Contact us for more information on autoimmune disease samples.
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