Hepatitis Specimens | Order Biospecimens Online

Find Hepatitis Blood Samples Online

Banner Over 300 million people in the world live with viral hepatitis

Over 300 million people in the world live with viral hepatitis

Hepatitis is a medical condition characterized by the inflammation of the liver. Major causes are viral infections with hepatovirus A, B, C, D, and E, and other factors such as excessive alcohol consumption, autoimmune disorders, certain medications or toxins. Consequently, patients suffer from impaired liver function accompanied by a range of other symptoms like fatigue, jaundice, abdominal pain and loss of appetite. Early diagnosis, medical treatment, and preventive actions like vaccination or lifestyle change are critical for treating hepatitis. Therefore, research and development regarding diagnostic tests and new potential drugs for the treatment of hepatitis needs to be pushed.

CentralBioHub offers you a vast online inventory of samples tested positive for hepatitis infection. The specimens are of the highest quality and undergo extensive testing for multiple laboratory parameters, serving your research needs in the best way.

Product Specifications:

  • Matrix: Serum and plasma

  • Tested Parameters: Hepatitis A/B/C/D/E virus (antibodies, antigens, RNA, and DNA)

  • Donor Details: Confirmed diagnosis, clinical profile, patient demographics

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Central BioHub - Order biospecimens online.

The major cause for hepatitis is a viral infection with hepatovirus A, B, C, D, and E as well as other factors such as excessive alcohol consumption, autoimmune disorders, certain medications or toxins. The WHO estimates, that over 300 million people worldwide live with viral hepatitis. Central BioHub offers the biggest catalogue of hepatitis samples from patients with various demographic backgrounds and clinical profiles.
The hepatitis virus can be transmitted in many ways. While Hepatitis A and E are primarily spread through contaminated food or water, Hepatitis B and C are typically transmitted by contact with infected blood or body fluids that can occur during unprotected sexual contact, sharing needles for drug consumption or from mother to child during childbirth.
Good hygiene practices, the consumption of clean food and water, precautions regarding safer sex and getting vaccinated for Hepatitis A and B are the main prevention measures to avoid hepatitis infections. Depending on the type of hepatitis, treatment options may include antiviral medications, limiting liver damages resulting from a viral inflammation and therapeutical approaches to minimize symptoms related to hepatitis.
Biomedical research has made significant progress in the treatment of hepatitis, particularly Hepatitis C, due to the introduction of direct-acting antiviral (DAA) treatments. Recent studies have also made efforts to develop more effective therapies for HBV to achieve complete viral suppression and functional cure. Central BioHub supports hepatitis researchers worldwide by providing samples of infected patients that will help scientists in the process of discovering new therapies and biomedical treatments for viral hepatitis.