PCT and CRP Samples | Sepsis Biospecimens | Order Now

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Sepsis, also known as septicemia, is a body's systemic inflammatory response syndrome resulting from an infection elsewhere in the body. It is a potentially life-threatening blood poisoning condition that eventually results in death due to multiple organ dysfunction. If not treated immediately, the systemic infection can progress, resulting in severe sepsis symptoms and septic shock, which is a medical emergency.

In the case of sepsis, the infection usually begins in the urinary tract, lung, skin, surgical site, and gastrointestinal tract (GIT) that transfers into bloodstream infection arising signs of sepsis. Usually, elderly patients, individuals with comorbid conditions, immunocompromised patients, children, and neonates are more prone to develop sepsis. Sepsis infection or septicemia remains the leading cause of premature mortality in hospitalized or critically ill patients despite advances in modern medical science and patient care protocols. It is the most prevalent nosocomial infection worldwide that can negatively impact current practices of patient care.

Challenges of sepsis infection management

Prompt diagnosis and rapid initiation of specific sepsis treatment with appropriate choice of antimicrobial agents are critical for slowing down the sepsis infection rate and preventing the development of sepsis shock. However, very early symptoms of sepsis are unspecific and therefore often misdiagnosed and untreated until the late stages of infection. At the same time, rising anti-microbial resistance makes it more challenging to abate the infection. Therefore, every hospital is required to develop its own antibiotic policy based on the local antibiogram to guide the physician to make the appropriate choice of antibiotics. Moreover, severe cases of sepsis or sepsis shock also pose a significant economic burden on patients and healthcare systems, often requiring intensive care unit (ICU) treatment.

Order Sepsis Biospecimens Online for Sepsis Research.

Central BioHub accelerates translational and precision medicine and meets the biospecimen needs of researchers worldwide. Simplifying the tedious biosample procurement process, Central BioHub connects certified global human biobank to biomedical researchers through a dynamic online human biospecimen marketplace. Since 2017, Central BioHub has been in the mainstream of the online biospecimen revolution offering top-quality biosamples collected from consented donors across the globe.

To boost in-vitro sepsis research, Central BioHub introduces you to the world's largest human biospecimen inventory comprising thousands of sepsis biomarker samples such as human serum and plasma samples samples from suspected and clinically confirmed sepsis patients.  All sepsis research samples are carefully collected and processed from peripheral blood of sepsis patients of different ages, gender, and ethnicities. These samples are stored at the biorepository and made available to researchers for studies. Sepsis disease specimens are conscientiously screened for inflammatory/infectious biomarkers like C-reactive protein (CRP), procalcitonin (PCT), bilirubin, creatinine, D-dimer, and lactate dehydrogenase with ultimate precision. Moreover, PCT and CRP Samples  are hyper-annotated with a complete clinical data profile, medical histories, and patient demographics for an efficient study. Furthermore, the samples are handled with strict compliance to the CDC, WHO, IRB protocol of biobanking and are cryogenically preserved at <-18 °C at our partner’s biobanks. Central BioHub is cautious about delivering high-quality biosamples to our customers. Therefore, every order is immediately processed and delivered to your location without any delay. Moreover, our highly motivated and well-trained scientific customer experts assist you in every step of the biospecimen purchase from Central BioHub. Reach out to us today for more information on sepsis clinical research samples. Also, explore advanced search options by clicking sepsis and septic shock  samples  by clicking clinical diagnosis, ICD-10-CM codes, and laboratory parameters.

Sepsis is a serious medical emergency condition resulting from the extreme response of the body towards infection elsewhere in the body. If left untreated, it can result in multiple organ dysfunction due to severe sepsis or septic shock, leading to death.
Sepsis research samples include human serum and plasma samples taken from sepsis patients. The samples have been thoroughly examined for sepsis indicators such as C-Reactive Protein (CRP), Procalcitonin (PCT), and Lactate Dehydrogenase, and are annotated with a comprehensive clinical evaluation profile.
Sepsis is a life-threatening condition and a leading cause of premature mortality of hospitalized patients worldwide. It is one of the most challenging conditions to tackle in any clinical practice. Moreover, growing antimicrobial resistance has urgently called for intensified research to discover novel antibiotics regimens and diagnostic tests for effective sepsis treatment.
Central BioHub is an online marketplace which offers thousands of high-quality sepsis samples for research purposes. Our inventory comprises human serum and plasma samples collected from different sepsis patients of various ages, genders, and ethnicities. Every sample can be purchased online by the following steps. Browse our online inventory under sepsis samples, select your desired samples by applying suitable filters and add them to your cart. Then, log in to your customer account and proceed to payment and checkout. You will receive an order confirmation from Central BioHub, and the samples will be delivered to you in 4 to 7 business days.